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Experiencing Dry Rot In Your Home? Call A Professional. | Indianapolis, IN

Experiencing Dry Rot In Your Home? Call A Professional. | Indianapolis, IN

Dry Rot

Do you have dry rot in your home?

Do you have dry rot in your home? You may be tempted to handle the problem on your own. Many homeowners attempt to but find that the job is much bigger than they had anticipated.

If you spot an infestation, you should consider calling a professional for the following reasons.

  1. If you have dry rot you probably have to deal with structural damage
    These infestations occur as a result of high humidity. While you may think dealing with the infestation is your main problem, it isn’t. The infestation is a sign of a moisture problem that needs to be dealt with. A professional will help you identify these moisture problems and help you find solutions to prevent future infestations.
  2. Getting rid of surface rot is not enough
    Dealing with damage on the surface is often not enough. Infestations often run much deeper. Simply replacing infested wood won’t be enough for long term success. You will only be providing the fungus with a new source of food.
    A professional team will begin the treatment process with inspection of the home to determine just how deep the infestation runs. They will have the equipment to ensure that the entire infestation is removed. They will treat the most vulnerable areas to ensure that future infestations are prevented.

  3. Peace of mind is worth a lot
    Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering whether you will have to deal with dry rot again? The fungus can do a number on your home that will cost you a lot to correct. Thinking of going through remediation and recovery of the structure of your home again can increase your stress levels significantly.
    Having a professional handle the infestation and guiding you in prevention of further infestation will put your mind at ease and save you a lot of money in the long run.

  4. You could save money
    Many people avoid calling in a professional as they believe that professional services are expensive. They think that doing the job on their own will save them money.
    The opposite is true. A professionally done job will save you money in the long run. You won’t have to worry about having it redone. You may also not have to pay for the job out of your own pocket. If you have homeowner’s insurance, the remediation work may be covered.


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Put an end to dampness, cracks, bowing walls, mildew and musty smells with the Everdry Solution.